Product Reviews
Generators and Open Source Part 1 – Learning from the past
by firestorm_v1 on Feb.15, 2022, under Hardware, Hardware Pr0n, Product Reviews

Being a homeowner isn’t for the faint of heart, there’s always a chance for things to go wrong, especially considering that we’re in Texas and well… *gestures at the Valentine’s day week of February 2021*. So with that being said, as soon as the ink was dry on our house contract and we had closed, I was already in process of soliciting for a standby whole home generator. This three part article will cover everything from the decision making process of the generator and its installation (this article), how I monitor the generator using GenMon, an opensource application suite on Github (Part II), and lastly, how I implemented Grafana, Prometheus, and SNMP Exporter (Part III) to get the level of monitoring I am comfortable with.
(continue reading…)Reviews: WD TV Live Plus
by firestorm_v1 on Aug.26, 2011, under Hardware, Networking, Product Reviews
In this post, I will review a recently acquired WD TV Live Plus purchased from Microcenter for around $100. The quest was to find a media player solution that could read media from network shares and play them with minimal fuss. Since this is going to be attached to the primary TV, it has to be “Girlfriend Approved” and easy to use. I believe that the WD TV Live Plus fits this requirement adequately however the installation of the device could be easier. Once done, the device is wonderful. Read the full review after the break.
TI Launchpad Dev Kit for under $5!
by firestorm_v1 on Nov.05, 2010, under Hardware, Microcontrollers, Product Reviews
So many months ago (in June), Hackaday and Make were all abuzz about the TI Launchpad which is a new development platform centered around the TI MSP430 microprocessor. The most interesting thing aside from the processor spec itself was that the entire platform came under $5 for a professionally built development kit. I placed my order and in a week, I got a backorder slip and eventually forgot about it. (June is years ago for those of us with ADD.) Well even though I had forgotten about it, TI had not. A couple of days ago, I got a call from the apartment complex that it had arrived! Read on to find out what all’s in the box!
Android:Sprint officially releases Android 2.1 for Samsung Moment!
by firestorm_v1 on May.15, 2010, under Embedded devices, Linux, Product Reviews, Software
While writing up the review for the Samsung Moment versus the Palm Pre, I happened to find out that Sprint has now released Android 2.1 (Eclair) for the Moment. Guess now I have to start over again, but the up side is that this is a very significant update from Samsung’s initial release, Android 1.5.
You can download the update from Sprint at
Please note: According to the instructions available at the link above, you will need to use a Windows PC to apply the update to your phone. I will be posting a mirror shortly and it will show up in the “Download Files” page at the top of this page.
Site News: I have a new toy!
by firestorm_v1 on Apr.01, 2010, under Embedded devices, Hardware, Linux, Product Reviews, Site News
Well my life has been busy as all get out and I do have a new post in the works however I’m taking a quick break because I have a new toy that makes for a far better story.
I have recently gotten my hands on a new Samsung Moment on the Sprint network. Within the next few days, I will post all the gory details from this Android n00b and will be offering a comparison against the other smartphone I have, the Palm Pre.
Parts: Parallax VGA/Dual PS/2 breadboard adapter
by firestorm_v1 on Aug.31, 2009, under Embedded devices, Hardware, Product Reviews
Seeded by a submission made by me, Parallax announced very recently that they have released a new product, a VGA /Dual PS/2 breadboard adapter. Today, I got my hands on the new adapter and I couldn’t be happier. Read on for more details and my first impression regarding this new product which I’m sure will generate a lot of new application ideas for their Propeller microcontroller platform. (continue reading…)